Welcome to my cabinet of curiosities. This cabinet is an exploration through different objects, materials, perspectives on the relation between man, nature, and technology in times of a growing need for mitigation and adaptation for the climate crisis.

Click on one of the objects to get more information on the work itself and its process.
1. dried flowers
2. mushrooms
3. technology
4. university notes
5. books
6. visual paper
7. a plant
8. foto series
9. 3D printed flower pot
10. ceramics
11. short essay
For this project, I really wanted to combine my interests in both art and science: with my background in illustration (WdKA) and liberal arts and sciences (EUC), major in Humanities.

This project came forth from a course I followed at university about the climate crisis, a topic that respects no disciplinary boundaries. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we could possibly make room for alternative, less violent modes of living under the climate crisis. How can we use our imagination to envision such alternatives?

This project is not made to find answers, but to explore and show suggestions of different ways we can approach this pressing topic and rethink our current relations and systems.